Contact of registry court
Bács-Kiskun Megyei Bíróság mint Cégbíróság
Cím: 6000 Kecskemét, Rákóczi út 7. fszt.
Telefon: 76-519-519
Telefax: 76-481-054
Opening hours: H-P: 9-11 és 14-15-ig, du. pénteken nincs
Telefonos ügyfélszolgálat:H-P: 8-9 és 13-14-ig
Baranya Megyei Bíróság mint Cégbíróság
Cím: 7623 Pécs, Rákóczi út 34.
Postacím: 7601 Pécs, Pf. 36.
Telefon: 72-503-500/1068
Telefax: 72-503-578
Opening hours: H-P: 9-11
Békés Megyei Bíróság mint Cégbíróság
Cím: 5700 Gyula, Kossuth tér 9.
Postacím: 5701 Gyula, Pf. 102.
Telefon: 66-562-250
Telefax: 66-562-260
Opening hours: H-K-Sz-P: 9-11-ig, Cs: 8,30-15-ig
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Megyei Bíróság Gazdasági Kollégium és Cégbíróság
Cím: 3525 Miskolc, Fazekas út 2.
Telefon: 46-353-411
Telefax: 46-343-741
Opening hours: H-K-Cs: 8-10-ig, Sz-P: 8-12-ig
Csongrád Megyei Bíróság Cégbírósága
Cím: 6722 Szeged, Tábor u. 4.
Postacím: 6701 Pf. 408.
Telefon: 62-470-177
Telefax: 62-470-177
Opening hours: H-P: 9-12-ig, Sz: 12,30-14,30-ig
Fejér Megyei Bíróság Cégbírósága
Cím: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Zichy liget 10.
Telefon: 22-316-524
Opening hours: Hétfő-Péntek: 9:00-11:00
Ügyvédek számára 8:00-9:00
Szerda: 13:00-15:00 óráig
Fővárosi Bíróság mint Cégbíróság
Cím: 1051 Budapest, Nádor u. 28.
Postacím: 1363 Budapest, Pf: 17
Telefon: 354-4800 és 354-4900 Információs Szolgálat
Telefax: 311-1216
Opening hours: H-Cs: 8,15-12-ig
Győr-Moson-Sopron Megyei Bíróság mint Cégbíróság
Cím: 9021 Győr, Szent István út 6.
Telefon: 96-508-700
Telefax: 96-508-731
Opening hours: H-Sz: 8,30-11-ig, Cs: 8,30-12-ig, du: 14-15,30-ig, P: nincs
Hajdú-Bihar Megyei Bíróság mint Cégbíróság
Cím: 4026 Debrecen, Perényi u. 1.
Postacím: 4001 Debrecen, Pf. 186.
Telefon: 52-521-555
Telefax: 521-560
Opening hours: H-P: 9-11-ig
Heves Megyei Bíróság mint Cégbíróság
Cím: 3300 Eger, Barkóczy u. 1.
Telefon: 36-311-611/2172.
Opening hours: H-K-Cs-P: 8,30-12,30-ig, Sz: 8,30-15,30-ig
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Bíróság mint Cégbíróság
Cím: 5000 Szolnok, Baross út 1.
Telefon: 56-424-524/219.
Telefax: 56-412-636
Opening hours: H: 8,30-15,30-ig, K-Sz-Cs:9-11-ig
Komárom-Esztergom Megyei Bíróság mint Cégbíróság
Cím: 2800 Tatabánya, Komáromi u. 4.
Postacím: 2800 Tatabánya, Pf: 160.
Telefon: 34-311-697 és 34-513-100
Telefax: 34-311-697
Opening hours: Iratleadás: H-P: 8-11-ig
Cégkivonat, cégmásolat, iratmásolat megrendelése: H-P: 8-12-ig
Nógrád Megyei Bíróság Cégbírósága
Cím: 2660 Balassagyarmat, Köztársaság tér 4.
Postacím: 2661 Balassagyarmat, Pf. 59.
Telefon: 35-501-200
Telefax: 35-501-215
Opening hours: H: 8,30-12-ig, K-P: 9-11-ig
Pest Megyei Bíróság – Gazdasági Kollégium – Cégbírósági Csoport
Cím: 1064 Budapest, Rózsa u. 79.
Postacím: 1399 Budapest 62., Pf. 669.
Telefon: 312-1629
Telefax: 312-6409
Opening hours: H: 9-15,30-ig, K-Cs: 9-11-ig
Somogy Megyei Bíróság Cégbírósága
Cím: 7400 Kaposvár, 48-as Ifjúság útja 5.
Postacím: 7401 Kaposvár, Pf: 116.
Telefon: 82-528-010
Telefax: 82-317-723
Opening hours: H: 8,30-11-ig és 13-15-ig, K-P: 8,30-11-ig
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Bíróság Cégbírósága
Cím: 4400 Nyíregyháza, Toldi u. 1.
Postacím: 4400 Nyíregyháza, Pf. 41.
Telefon: 42-315-611
Telefax: 42-314-337
Opening hours: H-P: 9-11-ig, Sz: 9-16-ig
Tolna Megyei Bíróság Cégbírósága
Cím: 7100 Szekszárd, Dózsa Gy. u. 2.
Postacím: 7101 Szekszárd Pf: 92.
Telefon: 74-505-802
Telefax: 74-505-803
Opening hours: H-K-Cs-P: 9-11-ig, Sz: 8-12-ig és 13-15-ig
Vas Megyei Bíróság Cégbírósága
Cím: 9700 Szombathely, Petőfi S. u. 1/a.
Postacím: 9701 Szombathely, Pf.: 16.
Telefon: 94-329-961
Telefax: 94-329-961
Opening hours: H: nincs, K: 8-15,30-ig, Sz-Cs-P: 9-11-ig
Veszprém Megyei Bíróság mint Cégbíróság
Cím: 8200 Veszprém Vár u. 19.
Telefon: 88-427-113
Telefax: 88-427-113
Opening hours: H-P: 8-11-ig
Zala Megyei Bíróság Cégbírósága
Cím: 8900 Zalaegerszeg, Deák tér 7.
Postacím: 8901 Zalaegerszeg, Pf. 221.
Telefon: 92-311-375
Telefax: 92-311-375/152.
Opening hours: H-P: 8-11-ig
Who can be appointed as a liquidator?
Liquidator can be only organizations with registration in the Liquidator’s Registry (Felszamoloi Nevjegyzek) of the Ministry of Finance. Liquidator must not be appointed if the liquidator itself or its owner is the owner of the debtor or the creditor, neither if that person is a relative or the executive officer of the debtor or the creditor.
Can the assignment of the liquidator be appealed?
Who does the Bankruptcy Act apply to?
It applies to the company and its creditors, so it does not apply to e.g. the sole trader debtors.
Who can initiate a bankruptcy procedure?
Bankruptcy procedure can be initiated by the owner of the indebted company.
Who can be considered as a creditor in bankruptcy or in liquidation process?
A Creditor is someone who has a pecuniary claim recognized or not questioned by the debtor or has a pecuniary claim towards the debtor based on a valid official bankruptcy decree.
What documents must be attached to the petition in bankruptcy?
The agreement document of management of the business entity, balance sheet (less than 3 months old), tax number of the debtor, the list of creditors, the total sum of the loans including dates of maturity, the proof of payment of the disclosure fee. In the application the debtor must declare whether they received payment moratorium during the bankruptcy procedure.
What is the difference between a liquidation and bankruptcy procedure?
The aim of liquidation procedure is for the debtor to come to an agreement with their creditors and to ensure the further operation of the company based on a program created in the procedure.
The aim of liquidation procedure is to cease the debtor without assignee, and compensate the creditors based on the Bankruptcy Act during the procedure.
Can a liquidation process be initiated against a debtor under bankruptcy procedure?
During bankruptcy procedure the court suspends confiscation of the submitted liquidation procedure.
What are the conditions of the bankruptcy agreement?
Solvency realization program (by the debtor) and agreement proposal must be accepted by more than 50 percent of the eligible persons for creditor claims expired in the beginning of the bankruptcy procedure, more than a quarter of the non-expired creditor claims must also accept it, on condition that the total sum of the claims must be at least two thirds of the claims based on the balance sheet submitted in the beginning of the bankruptcy procedure.
Who can initiate a liquidation procedure?
Liquidation process can be initiated by the debtor, the creditor, the liquidator furthermore the Registry Court.
How can a liquidator sell the debtor’s asset?
The debtor’s property can be sold only via tenders or auctions by the liquidators. Except when the creditors board approves it, the expected income will not cover the costs of the sale, or if there is less than HUF 100.000 difference between the expected income and the costs of the sale.
Where must the liquidator advertise the debtor assets for sale?
In the Companies’ Gazette.
What should a liquidation appeal lodged by the creditor include?
The appeal must include the title, the maturity of the debt and its short description of the reason for the insolvency according to the creditor. All the above must be proved by documents furthermore the proof of payment of the disclosure fee must be attached.
What does a payment moratorium mean in bankruptcy procedure?
The execution of financial claims are intermitted during payment moratorium. However, wages and wage related obligations must be paid up, also the related taxes: personal income tax deposit, social security, health and pension contribution, accident annuity, contribution based on the act of employment promotion and provisions for the unemployed, severance, alimony, life annuity, compensation benefits, mining wage related obligations, training contributions, benefits and allowances for students taking part in trainings, water and sewage fee, costs of property trustee, and the VAT generated during bankruptcy procedure.
What is the duration for payment moratorium?
The duration of payment moratorium is 90 days and can be extended with further 60 days.
What are the conditions to state insolvency?
The court claims a debtor insolvent in case:
- the debt which is not debatable, or the debt acknowledged is not paid within 60 days of payment duration
- unsuccessful bankruptcy procedure
- unfulfilled payment obligation in spite of agreement in bankruptcy procedure
In what way are the debtor rights limited during the liquidation process?
From the beginning of liquidation the owner’s rights of the business entity are ceased. Legal claims related to the debtor’s property can be initiated solely by the liquidator.
What sanctions can be initiated against the debtor’s managing director in case of not complying with the obligations based on the Bankruptcy Act?
The court can inflict a penalty on the debtor’s managing director to the limit of 50 percent of their annual wage calculated based on their earnings the year before the liqiudiation procedure started – if their earnings cannot be determined, maximum HUF 1 million fine can be incflicted on the debtor’s managing director - in case they do not comply with the obligations based on the Bankruptcy Act. Even in case of not being employed by the debtor or their membership ceased to exist or their work contract is expired.
In case of learning about any crime related to the activity of the debtor, the liquidator must report it to the police.
Will the debtor’s liabilities cease to exist during liquidation?
Yes, the alienation and the debit prohibition are ceased at the beginning of the liqudiation procedure. The repurchase and purchase right furthermore the lien rights are ceased at the time of sale of the asset.
Is the debtor allowed to apply for payment moratorium after the announcement of the court?
Yes, and its maximum duration is 30 days.
When is a claim contestation considered to be successful?
The creditor’s claim is considered to be contested in case:
- the contestation had happened prior to the announcement of the court
- the debtor can support the bearing of their case
- Any reference of certain conditions that in case of proved to be truth, will exclude the existence of the liabilities and its maturity.
Is it viable to base the application on unsuccessfull immediate direct debit in case the creditor initiates a liquidation procedure based on a completed execution without any results?
The immediate direct debit is not enough, only the direct debit submitted during bankruptcy procedure litigation.
In what cases is it possible to have compensation during liquidation procedure?
Only the liabilities that have been approved and registered by the liquidator and have not been granted since the starting date of the liquidation procedure can be compensated.
Is it compulsory for the creditor (which initiated proceedings against the debtor in order to get its liability paid off) to report its credit claim?
In what conditions and duration can a liquidator contest the contract which had been signed prior to the liquidation procedure?
A liquidator can contest the contracts and other legal declarations which were made before and later at liquidation procedure with a suit from the starting date of the liquidation within 90 days if its subject falls bellow:
- estrangement without payment from the debtor’s property,
- onerous contract established with conspicuous disproportion in favor of a third person
- other onerous contract, which was established with the purpose of the evasion of the creditor and it diminishes the creditor’s property
Can a liquidator go on with the debtor’s operation during the liquidation procedure?
Yes, as long as it is approved by the board of creditors.
When can an agreement made?
40 days after the liquidation order was published in Companies’ Gazette, until the closing balance sheet is submitted.
Who is eligible to initiate agreement?
The debtor.
What are the conditions of coming to an agreement?
More than 50 percent of creditors who are eligible for agreement must approve of it (based on: {57.§. (1) paragraph b), d), e), f) and g) on condition that their claim has at least the two thirds of all the eligible ones for agreement.
In case there is a necessary ratio of the creditors to come to an agreement, does the agreement apply to the creditors who didn’t approve of the agreement, as well?
Yes (composition).
Is it compulsory for the liquidator to take into account the so called „known accounts receivable” of the debtors registry?
No. All creditors must submit their claim for credit and the related registry fees must be paid to the account of the financial office of the court.
Must the registry fee be paid after the claim of interest, too?
Can a creditor get a certificate proving bad debts without paying registry fee?
Yes, but the creditors must claim it themselves.
Is the liquidator eligible to quit any contracts that had been previously signed by the debtor?
Can any of the creditors exercise the right of compensation as a customer during the sale of the debtor’s property carried out by the liquidator?
No. Nobody can exercise the right of compensation during the public sale.
How can the eligible persons vindicate their right of pre-emption?
They can vindicate their right of pre-emption in the process of the public sales, so during the procedure they must announce their will to vindicate their right of pre-emption.